Saturday, November 05, 2005

I find myself quite limited

Remaining in New York is quite limiting. Someone might see me and turn me in. Or God forbod, Bobby might see me. That might actually be an amusing situation. Or not!

I wonder what he would do. I go out of my way to avoid letting him see me but am intensely curious of how he would react if he were to see me. Would he pull out his pistol and scream "freeze" like cops do in the movies? Or would he make eye contact and approach me? And, what would I do?? Surely I would run if he pulled out his pistol. But would I run from him if he approached me? I don't think I would.

I'm rather tired of running anyway.

And running is quite tortuorous on a girls 3 inch heels! =)

I wonder how much I'm worth in reward money if I were to be turned in? $500? $ 1 Million? ! A girl can't but help wondering her worth! =)

Oh dear, I'm trying to be funny again. I need some caffiene to wake myself up completely!

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